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(1 edit) (+1)

Great game so far, looking forward to future episodes. Does anyone know what the 6th scene in the gallery is? Second to last. I completed the episode but I'm not sure what I could do differently to unlock that scene, or which character it's for. 

same here bro


Okay how is this going to be sold every episode 5 $ or are we buying a season here? Anyway Is there an example for the animation quality in the game?

will this be a harem or will it be like the entrepreneur? would like to know before i dive in

(1 edit)

Hey there! It will be a harem of some sort, meaning there are two paths, with three girls per path, so you can romance up to three LIs per playthrough, plus then have loads of LEWDs on the side

Will there be an Android version??

I don't know yet, the porter I used to work with doesn't answer my messages, so I'll have to find someone else.


Damn, the renders on this one looks awesome!

Thanks a lot :) 


Will save this for now since it looks great!

Thanks a lot :)